Alright here we are. welcome to Rob and John's, COMPLETELY FREE , helpful resource page. This is a page dedicated to helping you solve those stuburn and annoying little problems, that we all get while working on the computer, for free. We have two basic catagories, for now that is. For those of you who have more of a technical question, which is a question about some sort of computer sode, or programming, then click on the Tech Heads link. The other catagorie is for those of you who are new to the computer game, or who have a basic question. For those of you to whom this applies, click on the NEWBIE link. We are hoping to hear from a lot of you out there, and we are very willing to help you in any way we possibly can. Now for those of you who are looking for a webpage, or any other sort of program to be done for you, you can click on the WORK link, and check out what we can do for you.